The Ten (10) Principles of Web Design How the digital magic happens.
The Ten (10) Principles of Web Design

Every business these days has a website. 也许你已经注意到有些网站更容易阅读,加载速度更快,而且使用起来更好. 我们称之为成功的网页设计,它带来了积极的用户体验。. 网页设计的10条原则是一套指导方针,有助于确保界面在视觉上具有吸引力, user friendly, and effective. 了解高质量网页设计的10个原则可以帮助有抱负的平面设计师建立一个强大的工作组合.

Overview of the 10 Principles of Web Design

设计网站的平面设计师遵循一套适用于所有媒体的指导方针. 高质量的设计遵循一定的规则,即使我们在观看时没有意识到它们. 这些设计原则有助于提高从业余到专业的任何设计, 立即区分一个设计良好的网站和一个糟糕的网站.


  • Layout
  • Typography
  • Color
  • Imagery
  • And much more!

Together, these elements comprise a website that is lovely, easy to navigate, accessible, and optimized for search engines like Google, which help new customers find websites and businesses.

The Ten Principles of Web Design

1. Purpose

Why does the website need to exist? What is its purpose? 这是每个设计师必须回答的第一个问题,或者更确切地说,他们必须问他们的客户. 为网站定义一个明确的目的对于满足客户和潜在客户的需求至关重要.

通常网站试图说服网站访问者完成一个动作(填写表格), subscribe, make a purchase, etc.) which is referred to as a conversion.

Examples of website purpose:

  • Sell products or services
  • Provide information or resources
  • Entertain or engage visitors

Once the purpose has been established, 设计师可以用它来告知网站的方向,并定义转换动作. By understanding the purpose of the website, 设计师可以更好地选择合适的设计策略来帮助网站获得预期的转换.

了解网站的目的可以简化设计过程,使网站更有效. 满足客户的期望,满足目标受众的需求,可以改善网站访问者的体验.

2. Simplicity

Because a website exists to serve a primary purpose, the pathway to that purpose must be simple and clear, via the navigation and/or menu.

Examples of successful simplicity in website design:

  • Usability: 用户越容易找到他们想要的东西就越好. A simple website makes usability intuitive, which keeps users on the site longer, or keeps them coming back as repeat customers.
  • Load Times: Simple web designs load faster. Faster loading websites perform better. Every additional second of load time costs a 2.11% drop of conversions. If you have large images, uploaded videos, and fun animations, these could all be adversely affecting your bottom line.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: 如今,人们在移动设备上浏览网站的频率比在台式电脑上要高, which is why most designers define mobile layouts first. Then the site must be built responsively, 这意味着它会自动调整到任何屏幕尺寸. Websites which aren’t responsive tend to perform poorly.
  • Clarity: The simpler, the clearer. 网站访问者不应该为了购买或订阅你的时事通讯而进行数字搜索. 保持事情简单明了,以最好地传达你的信息.

The key to a great user experience is simplicity. 一个网站应该易于理解,导航,并用于其预期目的.


3. Navigation

Navigation refers to the structure of a website’s pages它们是如何组织的,以及用户如何从一个页面移动到另一个页面. Consider the user’s potential path through the website. How will they reach the conversion page? 如果它需要超过3次点击,你很可能会失去他们.

Navigation should be intuitive to help with:

  • User Experience (UX): Navigation is the easiest path to a good user experience. 清晰的导航可以帮助用户快速找到他们要找的东西.
  • Customer Retention: 你的网站越容易浏览,顾客就越有可能回访. 良好的用户体验可能会让你成为终身客户(尤其是当你的竞争对手的网站已经过时的时候)。.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 像谷歌这样的搜索引擎使用各种各样的标准对网站进行排名,其中之一就是导航. 清晰的导航可以帮助搜索引擎定义网站上的内容,并确定其与搜索查询的相关性.

导航对用户和搜索引擎都很重要, 对于在搜索结果中显示突出的成功(排名靠前)网站来说,这两个主要受众.

4. Visual Hierarchy

这些设计元素一起工作,形成了一个视觉层次. Using font sizes, colors and contrast, and negative space, 设计师可以引导用户浏览网站,并有策略地将他们的注意力集中在网站的特定区域. 这方面的一个例子是打破大的“文本墙”,为眼睛创造自然的休息-这提高了可读性.

A strong visual hierarchy serves to grab attention, organize information logically, improve readability, 甚至通过帮助建立品牌标识而进入品牌化. 在整个网站上使用相同的元素建立一致性,反映了品牌的个性和价值观.

5. Content

一个漂亮的网站,没有什么有趣的内容,可能不会吸引很多的转换. 确保你的网页设计不会落入这个陷阱,在设计过程的早期就有一个内容策略. 是你的客户提供文案,还是你与文案合作, 在网页设计界有一句话:内容为王.

搜索引擎用来给网站排名的很多东西可以归结为一件事:单词. The content on your website matters a great deal, 无论你是否期望人类网站访问者阅读它.

  • SEO: 经常更新的高质量内容(通常通过每月的博客)有助于网站在搜索引擎上排名, 在数字时代,这是吸引新客户的关键.
  • Credibility: 一个充满行业知识和专业知识的专业网站对建立可靠的声誉大有帮助, both online and off.
  • Authority: By providing valuable information, answering questions, and offering a unique perspective, 一个企业可以建立自己的网站作为行业的权威.
  • Social: 高质量的内容更有可能在社交媒体上分享, which puts your content in front of a whole new audience!
  • Conversions: 通过强调产品或服务的好处和价值,并提供明确的号召性行动(CTA), a website can increase conversions substantially.  
    • An example of a CTA is a “subscribe” button. 它促使用户采取行动并“转换”为客户.

Quality content is engaging, informative, and relevant. It plays a major role in both web design and marketing. 它可以帮助建立品牌或企业作为一个行业专家的信誉在他们的行业. The pen is still mightier than the sword!

6. Typography

排版是指使用的字体和字体,以及使用的大小和颜色. Consistency across the site and brand is best practice.


  • Legibility: 即使是世界上看起来最酷的字体,如果它难以辨认,对你也没有好处. 选择易于阅读并与品牌声音相匹配的字体, then use it to write content that is easy to understand.
  • Branding: 排版通过一致性帮助建立品牌识别. 策略性地使用排版可以创造一种视觉识别,帮助品牌从竞争对手中脱颖而出.
  • Communication: The right font conveys a message——你的品牌是稳重传统的,还是俏皮创新的? 排版可以在访问者阅读一个单词之前就定下这种基调.
  • Hierarchy: Using different font sizes, weights, 颜色可以帮助创建一个凝聚力的外观和感觉的网站, leading to a more professional and appealing website.
  • Consistency: 一旦选定,就坚持你已经确定的字体大小、粗细和颜色. 在你的网站和任何其他材料中使用它们——这是你建立一个有凝聚力和一致的品牌形象的方法.

正如你所看到的,排版在网站设计中起着重要的作用. Remember, the website has a purpose. 任何不符合这一目的的元素都应该重新设计以支持主要目标.

7. Color

这个基本的设计工具有能力立即设定情绪, tone, and overall aesthetic of a website. As with every other creative decision, 颜色必须在网站的使用过程中保持一致, and elsewhere, for the strength of the brand.

  • Emotion: Colors have long been associated with mood. For example, hues like red, yellow, and orange are called “warm,” and can create a sense of excitement or urgency. 像蓝色、绿色和紫色这样的色调被称为“凉爽”,可以有舒缓或镇静的效果.
  • Contrast: 低对比色会使文本难以阅读(例如:黑色背景上的深灰色文本). 使用高对比度的颜色(例如:白色背景上的黑色文本)可以帮助内容在页面中脱颖而出, improving readability.
  • Navigation: 使用颜色来指示可点击的十大正规平台或指示导航是非常有效的.
  • Aesthetics: 一个精心挑选的调色板可以创造一个和谐的无缝印象,并为品牌定下基调.

颜色对用户对网站的第一印象有很大的影响. Using a 一贯强烈的调色板可以改善用户体验 and site performance.

8. Consistency

As mentioned above, consistency is key in web design. It can help with brand identity and awareness, usability and navigation, and aesthetics—which can help create brand trust.

建立信任对于一个希望获得转化的网站是至关重要的. 没有人愿意把自己的个人信息给一个不值得信任的网站或人.

That’s where consistency can help.

By presenting the brand in the same manner, tone, voice, colors, and more, the audience knows what to expect. The brand is seen as reliable and trustworthy. This can help gain conversions and drive website traffic.

9. Accessibility

网页无障碍是指建立能够被视觉障碍者访问和使用的网站, auditory, physical, and cognitive. Websites must meet web可访问性要求,并符合W3C等web指南.


  • User Experience (UX): Accessible websites are often easier to access, navigate, and use—regardless of the user’s disability status.
  • Legal Requirements: 就像公共建筑必须有轮椅坡道,公共标志必须有巴西一样, websites must also accommodate those with disabilities.
  • Inclusivity: 网页无障碍指南确保每个人都可以访问和使用互联网, making the web a more inclusive place for all.
  • Social Responsibility: 创建无障碍网站有助于建立一个更公平的社会, 帮助确保人人都能获得在线服务和信息.
  • Search Engines: 可访问性绝对是谷歌网站绿旗清单上的一项, 这意味着它对你的网站在搜索引擎结果页面(serp)中的排名有重大影响。.

Web可访问性指南是一项迷人而复杂的研究. 对网页设计这方面的兴趣可以作为一个小众专业,很好地服务于网页设计师.

10. Mobile Compatibility & Responsiveness

随着越来越多的人在移动设备上浏览网站,而不是在桌面设备上, responsive web design is a must. 未针对移动设备进行优化的网站将提供糟糕的用户体验(想想仅仅为了阅读主页内容而进行缩放),并且在搜索引擎结果中会受到影响.


How to Become a Web Designer

你知道你可以在短短两年内获得网页设计学士学位吗.5 years?

如果你被广阔的网络世界所吸引,你并不孤单. 网站设计是一个令人兴奋的领域,你可以在你的技能中发挥创意和技术. 设计网站的道路可能比你想象的要短.

Web Design & Development at 十大正规平台 University

十大正规平台 University’s Bachelor of Science in Web Design & Development is fast and hands-on. 十大正规平台友好的招生部门了解更多关于2.5 year Bachelor’s Degree in Web Design & Development. It could be the BEST Decision You Ever Make!


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